Oracle Foundation


Our mission, to bring light where there is darkness.

I want you to imagine what it's like to live without electricity. It's boring, for one thing — no television, Netflix or video games. But, it's also lonely and disconnecting as well — no computer, no Internet, no cell phone. You can also imagine an all too familiar scene for most of us in New Orleans, what life is like after a natural disaster. Hurricanes, fires, and floods wiping away almost everything.

Think of Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. 3 months later, and there were still thousands of people without power. There were babies and toddlers living in the dark. Families couldn't keep their food or medicines cold. They couldn't even run a fan or cook a meal when they’re hungry.

Sadly, that is life for 1.3 billion people around the world who lack access to the grid or have lost it from some act of nature. This absence of power, something we take for granted everyday in our world, remains a major obstacle to any progress in global development or rebuilding.

Lacking access to electricity affects health, well-being and income. It's a problem the world has to pay attention to. The very least we can do is wake up to crisis of 'Energy Poverty' and the fact that everyone deserves a light. Through the ORACLE Foundation, a portion of every sale will be donated to help our mission.

In our mission to bring light where there is darkness, we have acquired portable solar powered unit that can works as a charging device, radio, and lighting system. We will have these units shipped to different areas of poverty or disaster. Our short term goal is to ship 200 of these units into Puerto Rico where the Red Cross will deliver them for us. Our long term goal is provide larger and more sustainable lighting systems into these areas through the ORACLE foundation.

No one should live in the dark.